What is Synthetic data and what are its benefits

Synthetic data generation is faster, more versatile, and scalable than real-world data.

What is Synthetic data and what are its benefits


Synthetic data is information that is generated artificially as a substitute for real-world data. It is frequently developed using algorithms and is consumed for a variety of purposes such as a stand-in for production, AI model training, model validation, and training, as well as operational information test datasets. While artificial, it theoretically and statistically reflects real-world data. It can be as good as or even better than data collected on actual things. As a consequence, it is definite that in the coming years, synthetic data will have a major impact on how we perceive, invent, and use technology.

The importance of synthetic data lies in its ability to simulate any ‘what if’ condition or scenario, making it an excellent tool for proving a theory or modeling multiple outcomes.

How is Synthetic data generated

To produce synthetic data, a 3D representation of the object is needed. Living in a technologically advanced era, most objects are already virtual. 3D models have become commercialized thanks to many asset aggregation sites. Moving forward, specialized engines capture hundreds of photographs of 3D models from countless camera angles and lighting conditions. Each image has a corresponding segmentation mask, which separates the image's various components. Doing so allows the 3D object to be integrated into larger sceneries, moved as desired, and triggered to generate complex behaviors using CGI.

Benefits of Synthetic data

Better data quality

Real-world data is often difficult to obtain and more expensive to gather. Not only that, but it is also prone to mistakes, bias, and inaccuracies that can compromise the quality of the information; thus, the quality of the results is deduced. With synthetic data, scientists work with more diverse, balanced, and quality information. Generating it drastically improves the dependability and efficiency of predictions, by doing everything from automatically filling missing numbers, automated labeling, and everything in between.

Increased anonymity

A second main advantage of synthetic data is that it maximizes the privacy of individuals. All personal information is usually erased and the data cannot be traced back to the original owner, preventing any potential copyright infringements or unethical use of it. This is important when trying to replicate genuine user behaviors since this type of data protects the privacy and security of the authentic data.

Enhanced performance testing and analysis

Synthetic data can be of use to test the performance of already existing systems and to train new ones on circumstances that aren't represented in real data. Instead of using expensive traditional data to check if the system is generating the expected results, data scientists can adopt synthetic and analyze the results. Synthetic data can be useful in system training when actual data does not accurately reflect all possible scenarios. This is especially important in the defense sector, where the system must handle a wide range of invasion and attack forms. Artificial data can be used to train a system on a variety of circumstances that aren't covered by legitimate data, hence strengthening its defensive capabilities.

Final words

In conclusion, synthetic data generation is faster, more versatile, and scalable than real-world data. There's also more than that to this type of data. It allows scientists to accomplish new and innovative things that would be hard to achieve with real-world data alone, and it feeds the models that will influence how we all live in the data-driven future.

Chady Karlitch

Chady Karlitch

Designhubz Co-Founder & CTO