Eyewear Studio Editor

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Designhubz 3D studio editor

The edit object tab

In this section of the editor, you can edit materials, change colors, import textures. 

The eyewear was imported the way it was exported from the software, so any texture or materials that was assigned will appear under this section. 

Here we can Assign a New Material, this will create a new material ID for the selected part
We can Clone a material, let say we want the logo to be the same color as the temple but slightly darker, select the temple Copy the material select the logo again and Paste it into the logo then clone the material to give it a new ID (Change it to slightly darker) 

There are two types of material 
The Standard material, it contains standard pbr textures, such as diffuse, emissive, roughness metal occlusion or ORM 
And the physical type material 
Click on the lens mesh and click on the Eyewear Lens Material button. 
You can see that a different set of parameters is added to the standard ones, such as reflectivity, transmission.