Spatial XR Studio Editor

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Spatial XR Studio Editor

The Material Tab Part 1

Here you'll find a range of options to edit materials, change colors, and import textures for your models.

Here's a breakdown of what you can do in this section:

When you import a model, it will retain any textures or materials that were assigned to it initially, and it will appear in the blank scene.

To start editing the materials of your model, select the model and navigate to the Material tab. Here, you'll be able to see the properties of the selected material.

To access more options, click on the small arrow next to the selected mesh.

This will reveal a variety of choices:

The add button will allow you to add a new mesh to the selected part. It's useful when you want to combine multiple meshes or add additional components to your model.

Remove button: You can use this one to delete the selected mesh if you no longer need it. It provides a convenient way to remove unwanted elements from your model.

Replace button:
If you want to replace the current mesh with a different one, this button will come in handy. It saves you from having to import the entire model again from the file menu.

Once you import your geometry this is the place where you will be able to update it since the import button will be no longer useful at this stage.

You can also perform other transformations on your object. The Transform section allows you to rescale your object to meet specific requirements.

You can also recalculate normals to ensure proper shading and smoothness.Furthermore, the Edit Object tab provides options to move and scale your object, giving you control over its position and size.

When it comes to materials, there are two types available:

Standard Material: This material contains standard physically-based rendering (PBR) textures, such as diffuse, emissive, roughness, metal, occlusion, or ORM. It's suitable for most objects in your scene.

Physical Material: This material type is particularly important for glass items, transparent objects, and translucent materials. It includes an additional set of parameters, such as reflectivity, transmission, clearcoat, and thickness.

These parameters allow for more realistic rendering of materials with unique properties