Spatial XR Studio Editor

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Spatial XR Studio Editor

Updating geometry and scaling

When working with variations of a 3D model, you may need to make changes to the geometry, such as modifying the shape, adding parts, or removing them.

As long as the UV mapping remains the same, these changes will automatically update for all variations since they share only one geometry.

However, modifying the UV map will break the textures in other variations, requiring you to update the other variation according to the new UV map.To update the geometry of a 3D model, you can follow these steps.

First, export your current model as GLTF by going to File > Export and selecting GLTF as the file format.

This will include all the changes you have made so far in the exported model.

Then, import the GLTF file into the software and apply the desired changes.

For example, you can add an extra part or reshape the model.

After making the changes, select everything or select the updated part again and export it as GLB or GLTF.

It is recommended to keep the original model separated and save the updated version as a new GLTF or GLB model.

To proceed, go back to the editor, click on your model, and navigate to the materials section. If you want to add the part you created, click on "Add."

A window will pop up, warning you that this action is undoable.

Click "OK" and import your part.

If you are not satisfied with the result, you can always refresh the page, and the previous scene will be recovered.

On the other hand, if you want to completely replace the model, click on "Replace" and import your new model.

You can also delete a part by clicking remove.

Before continuing your work, save the geometry and variation, and refresh the page.

Now, you have successfully updated the geometry and can proceed with working on the scene.